RSPB General Election campaign

A digital comms strategy to put nature on voters’ agenda

Our brief

The RSPB is the largest wildlife conservation charity in Europe, with more than a million members – including 195,000 youth members.

For the 2019 General Election we were asked to provide a digital solution that would inspire members of all ages to engage with political parties across the spectrum and demand they adopt more nature-friendly policies.

Our solution

Working with the RSPB public affairs team we took what were extremely complex legislative issues around conservation, and focused them into four key messages that were easy for members to understand, memorise and recall.

We then produced an efficient online hub built around a focused, story-based core that brought these four issues to life through clear, compelling writing and high impact photography.

The hub hosted a digital campaigning toolkit that empowered members to easily take action within two clicks; whether by making contact with political candidates in their area via email and social media, or downloading assets, including ‘cue cards’, that would help keep the conversation flowing at hustings or on the doorstep.

Stackla wall enabled us to track social media using the hashtag #LetNatureSing and featured posts from many Parliamentary candidates, as well as other supporters.

The hub was promoted by a targeted email campaign with a clear call to action.

The results

The General Election hub page was frequently one of the most popular pages on the RSPB site throughout the 2019 election campaign. The total pageviews from launch to  15th December were 45,631.

Of that traffic, 18,792 were ‘new users’ accessing the RSPB website for the first time. Average dwell time on the hub page was an impressive 2 minute 56 seconds. The email had an open rate of 55.5 and a click-to-open rate of 16.9.

After the election result, the RSPB’s Global Conservation Director Martin Harper commented on the results – and the ongoing priorities for nature – on the RSPB blog.

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